Saturday, October 14, 2017

Tipaza, Entre l’Antique et le Classique (190/365a)

early morning breakfast and leaving. glad i went to sleep at 7, which gave me 12 hours. for me an extra hour of early because although i set my watch when i arrived i did not set my computer, which is also my alarm clock. last year there was no time difference and this year there was, because there is no daylight savings time here.

before i was aware of my extra hour i visited the hotel gym, which ended up being closed, unlocked and dark with no light switch to be found. when my eyes adjusted to the dark i discoverd that "gym" and "fitness center" was just a sauna, so even if it had been open it wouldn't have been useful. i would have liked to just go for a walk, but i really shouldn't be walking around this area alone (especially without letting anyone know when/where i'm going) so i decided to just go up and down the hotel stairs a million times. well, it felt that way. showered, changed, went to breakfast and found noone there. waited for a while, then i asked someone what time it was, and he laughed with me.

the bus was waiting. it was extra big because we are travelling with the students that we worked with yesterday.
happy to be coming with us

doing making despite the speed bumps
we arrived in time for our shady outdoor rehearsal...
ready for us
every time we are in this wonderful country they are confused by our need for music stands - they clearly don't need them, but we do! :)

their director, our director, and students
The concert venue was right around the corner, at some Roman ruins... There was a tent set up for us, but we could smell the salt air plainly...
water's edge
there was a catered dinner (way lots of meat so i stayed kind of hungry) and we played with stray cats and enjoyed the surroundings. the concert was a terrific success, completely full, people standing in the aisle and outside of the tent. people backstage were dancing. we played with our students, we played with the cool group, we played alone, we melted a little bit in the sun.

i gave (another) hilarious interview. i got so nervous and shy that i jumped off the wall. good thing i didn't hurt myself or my instrument.
you want me to play? umm... ok! i mean... umm... no.
at last we got to do what we have been dying to do since we first tried it last year... some traditional algerian food. youcef picked the restaurant and ordered for us and ate with us. there was beer and wine and everything was delicious.
musicians are always hungry!

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