Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Non-halloween (207/365a)

I still don't like halloween, and I don't miss it at all here, but its grimy little fingers are starting to smudge europe's discount stores markets and trying to poke and nudge its way into the quiet and calm all-hallows eve niche. I will have none of it! :)

It was the first day I didn't take a single photo of anything with any kind of camera since a long time. Too bad, because there were some photogenic moments today. Multiple coffees and cappucinos. Nina and I took Felix and Ro to town (ostensibly to buy some speakers off willhaben) and hung around playing pirates.

We stopped at the market on a glorious day and found perfect veggies which got turned into glorious eggplant pizza.

I had so much fun working on the Otto Siegl duo with Thomas.

Then yoga, where I was very restless. I had packed some change of clothes, but I didn't feel like the ones I had, so I went to the trading station, and spent a half hour trying on things until I found an outfit that was moderately appropriate for a concert and for dancing.

Then requiem concert. Michi was singing the Fux Requiem on period instruments, which is really a terrific piece. I find the acoustics in that church to be awful even for church music, but didn't mind it so much.

Then swing dancing, where some people were dressed up etc. but there was a refreshing number of people in regular clothes.

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