Wednesday, October 18, 2017

recovery day i (194/365a)

when you dump your laundry on the floor so you can have a table because you just don't care anymore.

so much to do at home, and after 12 hours of sleep i still wasn't prepared to do any of it. sometimes it's time to just go for walks and lay around and take naps. i didn't unpack, i didn't clean up, i didn't charge my camera battery, i didn't ......... ....... well, at least i made great bread [with chernushka seeds, that i learned about years ago from Alec at contra dancing, and just rediscovered in algeria, and with flour that brian ground yesterday at Das Gramm]

and in the evening nina and i had some lovely wine and snacks, eventually joined by brian and centa, when they coincidentally arrived home at the same time. brian had been out at the swing cafe.

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