Monday, October 23, 2017

earlier than we wanted (199/365a)

Today Rainer turns forty. I had so many intentions, but ended up with nothing better than a skype chat on my way to sleep. :( not all my ideas/projects work out. sad about that.

i was cranky all day anyways, because i was awoken about 2 hours earlier than usual for no particular reason. some days are just cranky days.

Theodore had his first lesson with Elke, right after mine. He had auditioned with Brian while I was returning from our trip. She surprised me with a pianist to play Bartok with me... Hooray! (But I wish I had practiced - I basically was on pre-and-post Algeria hold)

I made really yummy food that Henry refused to eat. we are on a game of "chicken" (well, the vegetarian version, haha) where I won't make anymore bread or buy more oatmeal until he chooses to at least try my food.

I drew balloons.
I also drew balloons on felix's pants at 7:30am.
I also played "balloon fighting" with felix.
Because today is apparently a day for balloons.
we did have a ton of fun looking up various bizarro animals in my animal encyclopedia. and we had a great time using watercolor pencils to draw.
felix drew hearts

I made Theodore cry by accident. He drew a man walking with umbrellas on his feet, and so I drew clouds on the ground and flowers coming out of the sky. And he was very upset because the MAN is supposed to be ride side up, and the rain is supposed to be falling from the ground.
Bumbershoot-shoes... Bumbershoes?

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