Saturday, October 6, 2018

mary arrives and various people have various rehearsals (178/365b)

I got to play more music written by artificial intelligence. had to leave pretty early for and spent 6 hours in rehearsal with a short break for lunch, during which i wandered around the neighborhood with my camera. we didn't rehearse the "real" pieces nearly at all. just this random garbage stuff. too bad.
found in st.peter
when i got back mary and agnes had arrived, mama had made apple strudel, and centa was getting ready to go to HER rehearsal. We just simply HAD to have agnes' belated birthday RIGHT away, so we put a candle in a piece of strudel, sang, and presented presents. 

card from agnes in the past:
on the back are instructions for how to make a rainbow skirt
lengthwise half gold fabric half silver
exactly the skirt Mama had sewn with careful instruction from Centa
Agnes was very pleased
although she had no recollection of the drawing she had made.
Agnes is letting two crocodile puppets help celebrate

waiting for strudel

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