Monday, October 8, 2018

every hour counts (180/365b)

Monday is always our busy day. It's also the last day Mama is here. She has stuff she wants to do, and although we know we can't do it all, (not ever!) we can try to cram as much stuff we can into our day.

It turned out a little silly, because Theodore forgot about his violin lesson, so he ended up finishing late, and then I took him for lunch, but he didn't actually have time to eat it, so I ended up actually eating lunch alone downtown, and when I left to go home, Mama and Mary had both just left for different things, so I got back and just played with Felix and Agnes. Not quite a good plan, but it was ok.

In the meantime I got a slideshow ready - Mama wanted to see Dachstein photos, printed some music for us to sing (a piece written by Kienzl with text by Rosegger - a really sad song) and a string quartet arrangement of When I'm 64, which my two kids, centa, mary and I sightread together off of a single score to various levels of success. All things that mama wished for.

preparing for four part harmony
Henry is learning to be a great singer!

Bedtime stories
incredible mary doesn't need anyone else to play 2 part harmony


Finishing the chain for Mama's glasses
let's hope she doesn't lose them in the ocean again

Mama's main plan was to not sleep tonight. her flixbus leaves from the opera at 2am so we have until 1am to stay up and entertain ourselves. That didn't seem to be a problem. At quarter to 2 after a nice walk for us 4 ladies (except for a tripping and falling that did some surface damage to a leg) we ended up at the flixbus busstation. mama seemed in a hurry to get in and sit down and maybe even get a headstart on sleeping, but we waited till the flixbus left, singing goodnight irene and variations on doowadidooap... <3

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