Wednesday, October 3, 2018

my mama gets to see me in my music paradise (175/365b)

mama, centa and i spent all morning walking around town running very important errands, like buying fabric for a skirt, other stuff for crafty projects, tickets to the opera for friday, and other weird things. it was fun to just wander around, but at some point i get a call from brian asking where i was and i found out it was an hour later than i thought and i was supposed to be leaving to get felix. so brian went to go get felix. i felt bad, but also glad that i have such a patient guy to save me when i mess up. awww....
mama took this picture for me :)
we all have our calendars/phones etc. out
in my case i just send brian a text and he answers yes or no whether i can do it or not
i took mama to a ui rehearsal tonight, and it was very nice although at the end we realized we had done nothing but sightread new music the whole time and had never played anything we knew. too bad. at home i made her watch all our videos.

henry's class had an elternabend, and after that i met mama and took the bus to the rehearsal. when we got back late this evening i found out that theodore's class had also had an elternabend that i had missed. not so super mom after all.

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