Sunday, October 7, 2018

computer generated orchestra (179/365b)

everyone was very tired today, because yesterday, after we had our little birthday party i had the ridiculous wish to go see schloss eggenberg by candlelight, something they do once a year on the long night of museums. mama and i took theodore and henry, and we weren't the only ones who had that idea. we stood in line on a cold stone staircase for 2 hours to get our guided tour of the beautiful rooms that were lit "only" by hundreds of candles.

since we were out already we stayed out afterwards, looking at exhibitions around the castle, then going on to the schloss and schluessel museum which is right by our house. there was a museum shuttle, on which henry remarked "this is the best bus in the world, because it takes us exactly where we want to go."

anyways we had a full house of tired people today.

for me not so great, early morning rehearsal at the helmut liszt halle - brian ran there with me while i biked.

ingrid cz. visited and was happy to see agnes and mary as well as my mom again.

then i convinced mama and mary to come see my weird concert and told brian and centa to listen to it live on the radio with the kids. ingrid was still there when we were leaving, so she drove us, and right when we turned the last corner it suddenly started to pour like crazy.

the concert was as smashing of a success as it could be, with anti-waltz propaganda, weird video projections. mary pointed out that i spent nearly as much time eye-rolling as playing - i guess there's no way for me to lie with my face.

at the post concert discussion there was much idiotic conversation, about drones who chose the targets for the politicians. how that has anything to do with artificial intelligence writing music i don't know. most people found the music profoundly unappealing, and said so. except for one lady, who said she didn't know "anything" about music, but didn't find it "bad." when someone asked why the orchestra couldn't be robots or why we needed an orchestra at all, they just said that they were happy that this computer generated music had created such an emotion in people.

we took a taxi home, and found that brian had listened to the concert on the radio, well part of it. then there was an hour-long piece over-layed with text of nazi-ramblings that we didn't play that he listened to too, thinking maybe that was the computer generated piece.

stolen from the newspaper: his hogwarts conducting jacket

If that wasn't enough for one evening, the four of us ladies stayed up and read ART, the play by Reza again, with centa's artwork, because Mama had never read it, and because it was remarkably relevant to the discussion that they were supposed to have after the concert...

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