Tuesday, October 2, 2018

rettenbachklamm (174/365b)

i regret taking no photos today.

hiking seems to be good for me. i didn't want anything to eat, or any coffee (although I had one anyways - i live in fear of withdrawal headache) and all i wanted to do was hike.

as soon as felix got home from kindergarten i took him and mama for a hike. it was just up rettenbach, a nice leisurely stroll but mama and i were both so sore. mama in her legs and her feet. she has terrible blisters. me in my arms - i can barely lift them over my head. we found some yummy mushrooms and the leisurely stroll got longer and longer because we kept getting distracted off the path. i finally asked brian to come get us with the car and tried to get to yoga on my own.

(grossmutter was babysitting for the night - brian was busy too - to his first ever choir reherasal. him deciding this evening that he was a tenor and starting to learn bach's st.john's passion is akin to my first klettersteig being the dachstein. let's hope he makes it and doesn't lose any fingers to frostbite or attach his caribeeners wrong)

anna is teaching at the technical university now and i really wanted to join. i got there a minute or two late and then spent a long time wandering around the building looking for the correct classroom. the numbers on the room seem to have no bearing on anything. so i missed

oh well. maybe my arms were too sore for yoga anyways.

on the great wonderful plus side i was only a street away from manuela's place and we met up and went to the exhibit at the photo club near by. it was full of older guys who wanted to show off their cool photos that they make on their trips and their fancy gear. we were frequently referred to as "die zwei junge damen" (the two young ladies) and weren't asked about our photos. maybe we will go back some tuesday evening and wow them with some hiking pictures.

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