Monday, October 29, 2018

happy birthday me [blog catchup] (200/365b)

my blog turns 565 and i turn 34 today.
delightfully, i got an extra hour today, which i spent dozens of times. by not setting my watch.
rainy day, started with felix adamantly NOT wanting to go to the concert we had been planning on going to for weeks. seeing the orchestra play the planets at the opera. henry somehow convinced him. we got stehplaetze, only 10euros for all of us. i never ceased to be amazed at being the only one standing in the back. although i wasn't impressed with the made-up information side of the concert.
i like where the text gives up and goes "mmm..."
and i like where it says those are "the 8 planets in our galaxy"
and the part about the "sun being so sad"
directly afterwards nina invited us for dinner at her house. an absolutely extensive smorgasboard of delightful dishes.

phil goes back in time for a bit

matching purples

home for cake
mama place setting and the cake brian made.
there was some kind of video-shooting for (what i thought was) a swing band at a bar nearby that i wanted to go to since i first heard about it. somehow the time to leave came so soon, and i just wanted to stay and hangout and have cake, but i also really wanted to daaaance! centa stayed home with the kids and nina went home. kris and i went together. it was a quite different event than i thought.
brian making his silliest face for the photo
manuela and d. came to chat with us, but the people doing the video kept asking us to come down, do some small thing and then dismissed us again. they were not a swing band, but a very heavy metal band, and i would really rather have just stayed up and chatted. we didn't get a lot of dancing in. the problem was also that i was mostly quite fascinated with the camera equipment, watching them do their thing, and i also really had energy to dance that seemed to always be when the cameras were somewhere else, and then i felt a little lame every time i saw a camera was pointing at me. of course, as just one of many extras none of us mattered at all. manuela sadly went home 5 minutes before we finished downstairs. 

i stole some victory gin in a wine glass and brought it upstairs where the three of us sat around and chatted and then danced to some real swing music that somehow made it onto the bar's playlist. 

twas nice. no stress today. and i got to do all the things i wanted to, even if they turned out quite differently. maybe i can take that as a lesson for my next lebensjahr.

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