Friday, October 19, 2018

still no picture. coughing too much part ii (191/365b)

man, even worse today. i was so excited that i fell asleep at midnight and didn't have anywhere to be until 11am, but i barely made it out the door on time. i was just so tired, and my lungs felt like they would fall out of my chest. and my head felt like it would explode. and my eyes felt like they were about to pop out.

funeral time was fine. we found the right place, played, and notionally wanted to go get coffee afterwards but i was the lameo and just went home and went back to sleep.

worked hard on our quintet website all day. made one with wix, found out wix was too expensive for my tastes to get the stuff i wanted, and made a new one with google site. i had just finished when brian got home with the boys. two of them were already asleep. theodore said hi to tante lala whom i was just talking too over skype about some heavy stuff. we cut our conversation short. theodore brought me a little snack platter of cashews and dark chocolate to "help me think." (awww!) brian bought me a domain. and tomorrow, our website should be a*liiiive*

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