Sunday, October 21, 2018

all the gigs at once.... [blog catchup] (193/365b)

since brian now sings in a choir he got to sing his first mass today. i couldn't stay home because i got to drive to "waidhofen on the ybbs" (i find the name of the river ybbs to look and sound quite funny) the kids stayed with j&a, and brian and i went off simultaneously to our gigs. how cute.
i have NOT learned to focus, walk and shoot with my new camera
at all!
 the town is really far away, and the gig is not going to make me a rich person, in fact, i will probably lose money technically, but the opportunity is so awesome! i get to solo in brandenburg 6, i get to play brandenburg 3, and the people who are putting on the concert are really all excellent musicians, and nice. the town is just one of those "you can't get there from here." either *through* vienna, or zigzag through the mountains. the trip is beautiful but nervewracking, since every curve seems way too fast (it was also freezing a bit, and there was a little snow, so slippage was problematic)

anyways, we rehearsed for hours, had dinner, and rehearsed more. then off i went home.
sometime, during the rehearsing, katja, the cellist that set me up with this whole thing, had told some peolpe on a facebook carpool group that i had 6 free seats available at 10erous a seat, so i got to take back a few people. it was funny to have the car full of strangers, and also funny that i was the driver when i really knew nothing about the way to get to or from graz. it was dark and cold and slippery but 3 hours later i was back. when we gave the car back we hung out a bit at jackies and andis, but we didnt stay too long. for some reason i was pretty tired. ;)

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