Thursday, October 18, 2018

still no picture. coughing too much (190/365b)

too lethargic and tired and sick to do anything but the necessary stuff. i took some magical pills and got ready for an early afternoon rehearsal that didn't end up happening anyways. then i tried recording myself playing a bit for my own edification, but it was comically bad.

all the menfolk left for maribor to do "72 stunden ohne kompromiss" ... first sleeping overnight in a tent at the playground, and second helping fritz build a really cool pizza oven at the playground.

i did ui rehearsal, brought my camera, didn't use it, recorded "smile", rehearsed trio music  for the funeral tomorrow (finding one arrangement completely unplayable. we had to find something else, but the family wants no "catholic" music like ave maria, and there was quite a limit on what music is even available for string trio at the last minute) till 11:30pm, came home exhausted, ate some ramen, collapsed into bed exhausted.

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