Saturday, October 20, 2018

i want to know the numbers! [blog catchup] (192/365b)

i got behind on my blog, and have found it hard to keep up. i'm going to try to do it based on notes and pictures, but i'm just exhausted by this daily upkeep. i think i'll get back into the swing of it again though. so i'm spending my down-time while at tante frieda's playing catchup

today felix wanted to "learn the numbers" ... when i told him he did know all the numbers (counting well past 100, etc) he told me that no, he didn't "because of 12 and 21 and 43 and 34" ... he meant he doesn't know how to tell the difference when he reads it - no surprise, because german also says them backwards. so i gave him a big book (swing time) that i had just read and he read the page numbers in order, and copied them onto a big piece of paper. i asked if he thought all the numbers would fit on the page, and he said no, because there is no largest number. he does know stuff!
henry was so sweet and stayed with him until felix had written up to 30.
then felix suddenly decided "he knew the numbers"
i think he does!
yay for self-guided learning!

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