Thursday, October 4, 2018

lotte short visit (176/365b)

at 8:30 this morning I got a phone call. Can you come to rehearsal at 9? concert is on sunday. No, I can't be there in half an hour, but i can be there tonight where is it? orf studios in st. peter only an hour away by public transportation? no problem! 

so excited to get to see Lotte today! mama's great friend and my godmother from belgium.
Felix took over Lotte's sister Heidi
We prepared all day for the visit, making gorgeous perfect strudel, pressing fresh grape juice and things like that. We weren't sure exactly when she would arrive, and we knew she wouldn't have much time. 
The remains of the apple strudel
sad thing was i had to leave right away for the rehearsal. i only got to be there for about 40 minutes. but oh well, i got to play with recreation, the big orchestra in graz that i've wanted to play with forever. sadly it was AI generated music that took a strauss waltz as input, and exported thousands of different things none of them waltzlike. non-waltz=naltz? anyway, i got out, missed the bus by a quarter of a second and then walked to the next nearest stop and was so tired by the time i got home.

mama out-energied me - she got home past midnight from going out with lotte and other friends.

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