Monday, May 21, 2018

What did we do? (43/365b)

What *did* we do today? It's hard to say, I'm so tired tonight that I fell asleep reading to the kids, and barely got myself down the stairs from their room to find Brian to go to sleep in my own bed.

I know for sure I practiced in the morning and had coffee in the morning with Nina. And that the kids were home from school because of state holiday. I know for sure that we cooked a glorious meal of mashed potatoes and mushroom sauce and salad all from our farmers market and garden. I know for sure we went to pick up our bikes from J&A's house (who weren't there) and that Henry went sideways over a curb and landed on his belly, and that I sat in the road for a few minutes helping a weeping kid while a grandmotherly looking-lady watched with curiosity from her yard.  To be fair, two bulky guys with heavily accented German asked very nicely if I needed help and if he was ok, and I said thanks for asking. He was fine, but I'm glad he wears a helmet! I know for sure it rained into our window and soaked through a pile of clothes the kids had not put away. I know for sure I didn't take any pictures.

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