Tuesday, May 29, 2018

old timey fiddle tunes (51/365b)

so i might be joining a blue grass band.......
.....i mean, i really really really want to (if they'll have me)

by that i mean i had a friend (danielle s. who i met up with for an hour a few weeks ago while she was visiting in ireland) who hooked me up with a guy who plays fiddle and banjo in a bluegrass band and is looking to play more banjo, and needs a fiddle player to play with. I really want to be that person.

my new mandolin player. look i can play a song, can you guess? it's about a star

Before that though... I picked T&H up from school and took them to tables outside the art museum to do their homework and have a snack. They were done double time. Then I noticed I didn't have a bike lock, so I just risked it and left my bike standing there, and brought them on the tram to their swimming class. During swimming class I took the tram BACK to my bike (which was still there, no problem!) and biked it to a store to buy a bike lock. we are low on bike locks since we bought a few new bikes a few weeks ago. Also I keep leaving my bikes all kinds of random places around town. Made it back just in time to get them (and to have it rain on us again, of course)

Took them to their last David show, left them there to get ready, and had every intention of watching it with them, but did not reckon that meeting up with Henrietta to pick up music for a gig would take an hour and a half, and end up with me buying some sheet music and a croissant (with way too much jelly in it ....... last time i asked for a croissant with jelly when i was with Manuela it had no jelly in it)

But then I met this new guy and he was super easy to talk to, super fun to listen to, and I was too shy to jam "properly" but I think I got the point across that I am serious, interested and ready to learn/do pretty much anything that's musically necessary... :) When we finally finished our session near midnight Centa bottled her second batch of elderflower champagne for this year. 

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