Friday, May 25, 2018

a concert of wedding music (46/365b)

It rained on our "wedding day" ... well, our concert, at which we are playing lots of music that is generally only played at weddings.

in action

my dapper family was there, as was centa and nina (who took the photos for me, thank you!)

bowtie and sparkling cider
the whole day i was fighting sickness or headache or something like that. i don't really know what all there was because i took some ibuprofen to mitigate the symptoms. i even got a massage before i left. but overall the concert went well enough, it was fun to play, and our audience was in a good mood. we had a little mini family reception at home aftewards, where centa read an "Analysis of Africa" a semianonymous in depth view of the meaning of the pop song "africa" ... we also read aloud the balcony scene that she wrote for mama's birthday, a new one about how tarzan feels vs. what he says.

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