Monday, May 14, 2018

maerchenbilder (36/365b)

A Monday with nothing in the morning, what a luxury. We kept Felix home and even Brian took things quite easy. Eventually I left for the afternoon and evening. It ended up being a little bit of a back-and-forth and here-and-there day.
Lesson, playthough of Schumann,
meet with Danielle s. who is visiting until tomorrow morning from dublin. walk around window shopping for random interior design things
back to the kons, for Schumann performance
straight to lindy, last class for the season. it rained again 3rd or 4th time in a row now.

Christian, accompanying me on the piano, was late for the performance. I was supposed to play near the beginning but I played last. That meant that Brian and the kids didn't stay for any of the concert. They just came, played ball in the courtyard, and then left. It wasn't quite ideal. When c. got there, he asked if I was going to play all the repeats. Yes. Ok. Then right before we played he asked again. Yes. Ok. Then guess who forgot a repeat? me. i felt pretty stupid. But overall, for the first time, I think it went pretty well.

monkey in the middle

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