Saturday, May 19, 2018

high tea (41/365b)

 Morning of baking to finish off the stuff for bachelorette picnic that Centa was hosting in schloss eggenberg. Lots of bread, crackers and cookies and cakes to bring. The hardest part through wasn't the baking but the packing, which was very complicated as everything had to fit on a bike or two.

all the cakes on the trike
and more! thank goodness karin came to help, or the picnic would never have happened

As we drove off to high tea at Nina's, a taxi drove up full of bachelorette party girls. they had been scared off by a drizzle or two of rain, and were ready to continue the party in the basement. 

*Fun fact: Blogger spell check does not recognize "bachelorette" as a word, only "bachelor" ....*

I didn't bring my camera, what with kids biking and on again off again rain, but I guess pictures were taken of the absolutely exquisite spread of fancy sandwiches, tea, scones, and then magical opium i mean poppy seed cake. And of all the happy people around the table.

We were full and tired when we headed off, even though it wasn't really even that late. 

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