Wednesday, May 9, 2018

unrecorded (31/365b)

it was just an everyday wednesday. one of the other kids from the fahrgemeinshaft had a tantrum that meant i got home a lot later than normal, because i had to wait for her to calm down enough. she had plenty of illogical and ridiculous demands before that happened. her baby brother was born 2 days ago, i think she was just tired and typical kindergarten overwhelemed, but still, it took 2 adults (me included) to pry a (very threatening) stick out of her hands while she screamed. awful.

i walked felix and ronja to and from the chorus. the whole time i wanted ice cream, and felix kept saying he wanted ice cream, and ronja kept saying she would have ice cream for dinner, but we didn't get ice cream. we just dropped ronja off at the lend wirbel office and took felix home.

nina came over for a movie (To Rome with Love - which, incidentally, is not the same as From Paris with Love) after I made my signature dish, lightning bread with veggie omelet. Nearly the entire way through we find out Centa's already seen it. Brian came home halfway through after some "dance karaoke" at the lend platz, and made us some popcorn and watched with us.

so there's no day without a photo, here's one brian made
just a tiny portion of the bikes parked at lendplatz.

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