Friday, May 18, 2018

photos by Nina (40/365b)

Such a headache this morning. The TU gig yesterday gave all 5 of us a headache. Mine just annoyingly lasted through the night to be worse this morning. 

A nice walk and window shopping and coffee helped a lot. Thanks to Nina I didn't have to think about anything complex, *do* anything, or have any stress.

The table is an old piano.

"Barf Shop" - a very expensive typo or calculated irony?

Open classrooms, a TU initiative. Here I am learning about the various methods of surveying using a simple laser device.
 lots of rain again, pouring right after i pointed out to brian that the aloe vera plants had gotten way too much water this week.

dropped theodore off with elke (i had considered cancelling due to tiredness, but naaaaah)

when he got home, we watched around the world in 80 days, finishing just in time to get theodore to midsummer nights dream

Baked with centa, getting ready for the bachelorette party she's hosting.

ingrid cz. came to visit briefly, right after bath time, and we had holunder sekt (centa's homemade speciality) in the garden.

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