Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Morning date (37/365b)

Ooohoo, parents get to go on dates in the mornings.
That reminds me of Laura Ingalls Wilder's saying: The poor get their ice in the winter. The rich get their ice in the summer.

at parks, in the midst of deep philosophizing

der Weg ist das Ziel
After getting lots of little things done that we had put off for days, weeks, months, even more than a year, we parted ways and I took Theodore and Henry to swimming class, even though it was raining enough we could have taken a dip in some of the deeper puddles in the street. It was pretty though.

Sartre has some strong opinions
See how wet their hair is before we even get to the pool
rain drops near and far
All in all a pretty fun little day.

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