Saturday, May 5, 2018

new bikes(27/365b)

i could have taken some pictures of some new bikes today but nope.
brian took all the kids to the used bicycle exchange today, which is really just a big random everyone sells/buys whatever they want free for all. i got a new bike, the kids got new bikes, and since felix didn't need a new bike i went and picked up henry's old one that was being used at the foerster house last year.

while the big kids were out for a "real" bike ride, felix and i walked to pick up the bike, and then walked to the opening of lendwrbl, which was too loud for us. it was in volksgarten, which is the park that is basically covered in drug dealers and gang members 360 days a year. whenever theres a festival or an event it gets a little cleared out for a few hours and then the criminal activities take over again. it's a very strange little ecoclimate
me dancing for 0.4 seconds. felix and his "new bike" and jackie and zorah with us.
this photo (thank you andi!) does not at all show how packed this place was.
i cross ocean chatted with nick about sourdough bread and art, so i had to take some photos to share with him. i guess i'll go send them to him now, instead of just posting them publicly like this.
bread ready to be taken out

art by committee

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