Friday, May 11, 2018

string quartet + extra (33/365b)

second quintet rehearsal in as many days. quite productive to meet often. Yesterday's hard work seemed to have paid off, so that's good. At home we tried to get the house cleaned up well for Henry's party tomorrow. We're not even sure who's coming. So far we have 1 for sure rsvp and some unconfirmed yeses/nos from theodore and henry from their friends at school.

Came home from rehearsal to find my kids cutting their hair ... again.
asymmetric is totally hip right now.
Eventually I took Theodore to his perfomance of Midsummer Night's Dream, then headed to a rehearsal for tomorrow morning's baptism. We started over an hour late. There is another violist because I can't play in the afternoon, even though she *can* be there in the morning. Poor us had to both sit through each others' rehearsal... if I had known I would have just let her play the whole thing. It was too late to change anything now though. We also got asked to play Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, but we didn't have the music so we just improvised it. Also we got asked to play something for string trio, and I was told I could improvise for that too, but I balked and made them change their selection to something for four people. Got back just in time for the end of the show to get Theodore. Looked up and said hi to Arcturus and the twins on our way home.

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