Saturday, May 12, 2018

all or nothin (34/365b)

So sometimes I say yes to way too many things. Here I was this morning with a baptism to play, and I thought, real quick, maybe i can arrange/print some stuff before I leave to supplement those terrible arrangements we had yesterday. Then I still have to go pick up the car and drive there. But I need directions, so maybe I'll take pictures of the laptop screen for that. 

And when I get there, I find that the program we got yesterday for rehearsal wasn't even accurate and we were playing an additional piece that we hadn't practiced. Good thing we had the whole binder with us. When we were completely set up and ready to play, the priest announced that all the audience should come up and sit around the alter, since there were not so many people. So we would have been playing with our backs to the audience, unless we moved all the stuff we had set up and turned around. 
crying baby
They wanted me to be in the family + friends photo, outside, so I did one, but then dashed out, hoping to get to the Gestiefelter Kater (Puss in Boots) musical halfway through. I did. I left all my stuff, viola included at Jackie's (they still were not up, I'm not surprised, Lendwirbel is a little crazy) and rushed there, stopping only quickly for a to-go coffee (first one in years, except on the highway, when I have had my own thermos with me) and watched the second half of the musical.
the birthday boy at the opera house at intermission
Left Brian with the kids again, so I could go pick up my now repaired bike, and beat them home, just in time to make cake, snacks, and hope that people wouldn't get there exactly at 3. Well, at 2:59 the doorbell rang, and from then it was non-stop social activity till the night-time. I was exhausted.

birthday cake and flowers

all the kids
Brian's "no presents please" on the invitation worked pretty well. Everyone brought something, but they were exactly the right things. A book. A plant. :) Brian made a last minute treasure map, and they found the rest of the presents. And Henry got to open a package from the USA. :)

The day was full enough for everyone that I was glad when it was cuddle and story and bed time.

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