Thursday, May 10, 2018

samples and paper airplanes (32/365b)

Salon orch. meeting early in the morning, we chose to read through the financial books and take meeting minutes outside in the sun. I got a little tiny bit sunburnt. Quintet rehearsal right afterwards, Irmtraud was running late with something important, and Barbara had a blister on a finger on her left hand, and still had playing to do today, so we did some intense individual work, with just one or two parts at a time. Difficult but hopefully worth it, we'll see tomorrow.

Manuela came by to wish Henry a happy birthday early, and stayed for the ensuing paper airplane race. She brought packs of testtubes with her so that we can participate in her microbiome study. I'm curious to see the results!

following folding directions

skin swab with curious onlookers
Ingrid had made banana ice cream (I guess Henry told her that it was his favorite) so we went to share it with her. It was super creamy and yummy.
banana icecream - oh so creamy!
Centa and I had to leave by some specific time to get to a concert at 8. I dropped the kids off in the bathtub, changed my clothes in zero seconds, and we biked out the door. Got there 10minutes before begin time to find an empty parking lot, and locked nor and neither a poster, flyer nor any information of any kind. Baaack home. Looked it up again. That's why Centa had clearly remembered "Friday" and I had clearly remembered the 10th... The concert takes place on Friday, May 10th, 20NINETEEN. Well, I've never felt so silly for being early. Honestly, I wasn't sad to just have an early night tonight.

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