Thursday, May 17, 2018

TU *3 (39/365b)

Like last year, we played at the giving of the golden diplomas. The diplomas for those people who are still alive and who graduated 50 years ago, no matter what their life held afterwards. They announce each person, say what they did, and then give them their diplomas. The people are nearly all men. There were perhaps 4 women out of the nearly 100 people who we played for today. The split it up by department and do the ceremony exactly the same way 3 times in a row. It's a little surreal feeling to play the exact same pieces, listen to some of the same speeches, watch from the same spot 3 times in a row. It's also exhausting to sit up front and be watched doing nothing.
The chemistry professor had the most deadpan black humor ever. His class was the smallest, by the numbers. It went something like this.

Honored guests, I have the honor of transfering these golden diplomas on the class of 1968. I notice the list is smaller than for my colleagues. I hope that is because the people are on vacation, and not because of the shorter life expectancy for chemists. My first candidate is Ms. Bladiblah. (who we notice is sitting in the front row, blind, with a helper) After graduation, she started work at Dudad company, where she stopped after 3 years, due to intense injury after an accident.

After a long stressful gig (8:30 - 5:30) Barbara and I unwound with some computer work and drinks.

making of the future

I got to the opera just in time to watch the performance of Midsummer Night's Dream, and took Theodore home afterwards. He was so tired, and he has another performance tomorrow too. Poor thing.

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