Tuesday, May 8, 2018

lendwrbl (30/365b)

hump day of an artificially short week. Thursday and Friday will be off, but we were kind of pretending it was already the weekend.

After school we did our homework in a temporary wooden geodome structure that is part of the Lendwirbel (Lend is the name of our region of the city, and wirbel means "chaos" - it is an ostensibly unplanned week long street festival, that Jacky helps "not" plan, but it has to have some kind of order, because people like city planners, police help, street barricading and things like that have to be properly in place when there are 1000s of people doing "whatever")

Off we went to swimming, and then Brian and I went to talk about Felix's development with the Kindergarten (we determined he's doing fine, of course) where Henry just ran around. Felix had gone home with the Foersters. And Theodore was off alone at choir rehearsal. He does way too much!

Then to the center of Lend for the real festival, stopping at the grocery store on the way to buy all the material for dinner for a louse 14euros / 5people. Not so bad for "dinner out with the family" ;)

It was a day of meeting people i met when we moved here and hadn't seen since. old faces, mostly didn't recognize me. A guy who stood on his head on a moving turntable with Brian in 2015 at la strada (we have the video to prove it). A guy who helped me and theodore when I had a flat tire and have been looking for ever since, who I would have talked to but he disappeared out into the crowd before I got to him. And the really whacko crazy lady who thankfully did not recognize me who told me, when Amanda was visiting, that she thinks i'm "evil" and she "hates" my "eyes."

There was lindy in the street, most of the time I was spreading butter on bread so that my family didn't starve. I left to do some planning with our driving group, but left that to do a dance with Kris, then back to planning. I also gave a massage to a stranger, who I found out lives on my street. I stayed to help Jacky do some clean-up in the streets, but as of midnight there were only a few beer cans, and not a lot of other trash, so I just went home.

henry in action
look out, here comes a soccer ball!
planning kindergarten driving

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