Wednesday, May 16, 2018

transportation (i don't believe the path is always the goal) (38/365b)

went to the hospital with centa to hand off our samples for manuela's study. got to have our blood drawn. coffee afterwards was very nice, to sit in the sun under an umbrella on top of the lkh and just relax. but i had to get to kindergarten pickup quickly, and of course the waitress didn't believe that we really wanted to pay *now.* :) I still made it there barely in time. Because I was on the latest side of pickup time, I got home at the latest I could, which meant I picked up my viola, and Barbara was already waiting for me to take me back (past the lkh, haha how effecient) to Quintet rehearsal for tomorrow's long gig.

On the way back, I grabbed my bike which I had left with Centa near the university. I would be meeting up with Brian for a kids handoff in about 1 minute... except my brand new chain came off as I was just taking off. Ooops. So I walked it back, and walked the kids home with their bikes. It was a nice walk home, and we stayed up very late drawing reading and talking. Too late, but it was very comfortable.
Felix drew our giraffe.
Learning abour Marshall Rosenburg's "Giraffe Language"

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