Monday, June 17, 2019

weird monday (67/365c)

went to Renate and Gise's mothers' funeral. Before I left, Felix informed me he knew what happened after we die. What? I asked. "You go to god, and he makes new people out of you." Reduce, reuse, recycle, I guess. "I'm not sure about that." "Well, I know." he assured me.

I had to take a taxi to get there, because the tram had a 15minute delay, and I didn't want to cut it that close. The taxi driver really wanted to make jokes about getting me to my "last appointment" etc. After a very nice ceremony, with all kinds of really artistic photographs (a family of artists), I took the opportunity to wander the cemetery there, all alone. Cemeteries in Europe are a rather different place than in the US. the ones in the US I find clearly superior, just beautiful, peaceful places.

spooky bureaucratic 
Henry had a cello lesson when I got home, and Brian had cooked, but wasn't home, so I could just hang alone and have dinner, quite the luxury.

Quintet rehearsal in the evening. We haven't convinced Klaus to play our big show with us at the beginning of next month that I've been arranging songs for, so we didn't try out my arrangements or even talk about them. We practiced for the wedding this weekend. 

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