Friday, June 14, 2019

watching henry's cello teacher really play the cello (64/365c)

we haven't had much time to get together recently, so manuela and i had a short meetup this morning, first at das gramm, then walking around the city not buying clothes, and then at parks for more coffee. we sat at bad-zur-sonne and waited for brian and the kids to go swimming with me, but brian and the kids were waiting for us at the kunsthaus.... pretty bad communication. for part of the waiting time manuela and i got went to get felix' id photo printed... finally, no corrupt memory card this time.

swimming was nice, but i left halfway through to get my stuff ready for my chamber music "exam" (playing a leclaire duo)... at home, mama was waiting in the garden with hot pizza. after the exam i met up with everyone and we went to nadja's concert (her pre-concert for her bachelor's recital) which was great. the second half i watched from the back, since i assigned the page-turner task at the last minute.
too hot for pants
very hot all day.

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