Thursday, June 13, 2019

we are just so culturally well-versed (63/365c)

Various museums for various people today. Brian took Felix to the Joanneum. When he got back, he announced he "knows what he's going to be when he grows up." ... What? "A Stone Collector." A geologist? "Yes, but first I'm going to work on a computer, so that I have enough money to buy a digging machine, so I can go deep into the earth and find stones nobody else has found yet."

Mama and I went to the Stadt museum to find paintings by either V. or K. Kreutzer, one or both of them supposedly lived in our house. Konrad von Kreutzer painted a lot of landscapes featuring towns, general lifestyle, and specifically Graz.
kreutzer: can you spot our house?
it's the same as his house
I made a photo of Felix and on the way to concerts thought I'd have it printed for his next year's city bus pass. I put the card in, it told me I had only one picture on my card. I wasn't worried yet, my camera takes raw photos, and they probably only read jpgs. But then it didn't find any pictures, and in the camera I could take no pictures, nor look at any because "the card was not formatted"

two concerts back to back. the first was actually the generalprobe for the opera brunch this weekend. Mama got to see them sing up close. Then we went to Tosca and watched from far away, but we had mega over-kill binoculars. Felix wanted to see the opera too. We stood in the back, and watched the first half. Went home all together. One more has come to an end.

 ... at home, my computer recognized the card just fine. catastrophe averted by luck.

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