Thursday, June 20, 2019

hail and farewell (70/365c)

a complete day off, Fronleichnam. Day off means that quintet has time to rehearse, which we did all morning, nine to noon. The menfolk were all swimming when i got back, so there was time to cook and clean and do some gardening work.

the afternoon brought 10 minutes of the strangest weather pattern ever.
i woke brian up out of a sound afternoon-nap sleep just to show him the thunder-hail-rain storm in the bright sun.

full sunshine
rain in torrents
and thunder and lightening
hail in the sun
since it was pouring out, henry figured he would try out the "new" vacuum cleaner (mama had sent the 30 year old vacuum to get fixed and it arrived back in the mail)

chores are fun!
learning all the attachments...
...let's see when the novelty wears off

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