Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Felix turns 6 (62/365c)

morning coffee and story in the treehouse
matching pajama colors
While in the treehouse we finally took care of the mistletoe that was parasiting in there since last year. I cut it out with an extension thing that was quite unwieldy, but eventually the ground was littered with branches and the work was done. we thought it would be a 5 minute job to pull the ringlotten tree into the yard (it's hanging over the street) but that turned out to be more of a production and we never actually got to doing it.

blowing out the candle to grow on
(left over, used for centa, theodore, henry and now felix)
We celebrated Felix's birthday the best way we knew how, outside, with grilling and cupcakes (made with peach jam Ubuk gave him in lieu of payment for a snail shell) and friends. Grilling outside in the sun is so thankless. Ugg, it was hot and I was hungry, but the reward was a fun party which ended well past bed time, although it was still perfectly light. Nearly solstice. We started the party up again afterwards, just the adults. though it threatened rain, we were lucky to have just a few drops. Mama and I had an argument about whether "waiting" was a useful skill and whether it can (or should) be learned.

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