Monday, June 10, 2019

we request the pleasure of your presence (60/365c)

A few days ago we agreed that to help improve the table manners of our kids something had to be done.
I had said something like: "Sorry, my kids have no table manners"
and they had answered: "Yes, we do. We have bad table manners."

So my dear Mama wrote fancy invitations and had them sent by personal courier, inviting us each individually to a fancy dinner, tie required. 
special delivery
serving, please pass your plate
fancy meal: beans, topfen and saurkraut
One short crying jag when Felix was called "sir" because, as he explained, we "KNOW his name is Felix, and we call him sir anyways." We promised not to call him "sir" ever again. Dinner was very very good. Especially the mangos, which were perfectly ripe, and which Brian had purchased (the end of the week, before a long weekend, at the Turkish shop) ... 8 Mangos for 1 Euro, and perfectly ripe with nary a spot. Luxury!!

End of the day was stories, including Grossmutter reading The Little Man, in english translation. 
nobody wants to go to sleep's too hot

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