Saturday, June 15, 2019

saying goodbye to mama (65/365c)

tried to have music breakfast morning, but the details were all wrong. mama got so nervous that we gave up after playing half way though my bonnie lies over the ocean. it was sadly the only music we played together while she was here. better track record next time? now she heads to england for a few weeks for tante frieda time - maybe she will play the piano every day there and finally learn "may song"
felix is excited to have found a penny
maybe mama thinks its disgusting to pick it up out of a corner on a street
we walked mama to the train station, and stayed with her on the train until it left for the airport. then i ran home to take my (only a bit burnt) bread out of the oven.

after eating and practicing we went to celebrate abenteuerspielplatz's 25th anniversary. there was plenty of stuff going on. brian got some alone time at home but joined us at the end to teach me how to use a  bicycle pump (all i had managed was to let the air completely out of my tires.)
hokus pokus musikus, a professional music/kids song/dancer guy
hundreds of kids running around distracted
my kids danced every song with him
home again we went, everyone so happy (after felix found his ball an hour after the party was over)

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