Tuesday, June 11, 2019

a day off (61/365c)

modern art:
a study in negative space
the use of grain in the first world
A day at home, no school, no anything else. Just glorious peaceful lay-in-the-grass-gathering-ticks. Nina brought us some croissants on her way to work. Technically it wasn't completely off for us either - brian still had choir. Mama went to a concert with ingrid cz. and I went to a work party with Kris, who came over for a visit afterwards. Shortly after that Centa got back from Cincinatti and listened to Kris trying to explain to me how a four stroke engine worked. "Bang, push, pull blow," or... "Pull, Push, Bang, Suck" or maybe "push, pull, suck, blow" ....

Mama wanted me to photograph the baking sheet after I made bread because it looked so beautiful. So I did. 

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