Friday, June 7, 2019

leaving for sarajevo (57/365c)

left at 5:40, brian walked me to lendplatz. 13 hour bus trip today to sarajevo. i was light-heartedly afraid that barbara and i would get kicked off the bus for laughing too much, since we were watching movies (gentlemen don't eat poets, inspector general) with headphones and giggling like anything, but the big band that we picked up from bad gleichenburg was more annoying. at a beer per person per hour they were rowdy and loud and annoying and they had to make the bus take breaks every hour for the bathroom. they stopped in zagreb and bought another case of beer. In an extremely narrow tunnel (bare iron rods on one side,  and a deep drop-off on the other) they heckled the bus driver and took videos out of the windshield.

we nicknamed the guy sitting in the aisle "niles"
because he looked a bit like fraiser's brother
man was he more annoying though
at least we could talk about him
without him knowing we were talking about him.
because of their antics we got there after the sound check should have happened. had some buffet dinner (we were starving) and went salsa dancing till 2am.

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