Tuesday, June 18, 2019

as you like it (68/365c)

facebook suggests: "Grazer Mamas" and "Dumpsters Graz" as pages for me to like....

errand day in the morning... picked up mama's bike from being repaired at vichodyl (the original store she bought it 40 years ago) and a newly sharpened knife. bought felix some stuff for school. being out and about with felix was fun, a pretty slow walking tempo and lots of window shopping.
a 10 minute stop at the architecture design gallery while we were walking past

sent theodore to mini strings only to get a text message a minute later that mini strings was cancelled today. luckily theodore had missed the bus and brian could collect him from the bus stop.

kris and i had a work evening by ourelves. i had only about an hour of time before brian had to go to choir, and i spent about 45 minutes talking to kris .... but the last quarter of an hour was pretty productive. we also looked at the art in the lendhotel bathroom downstairs. .... maybe i'll take some photos so that i can prove for later what funny art choices somebody made.
off to the playground
following the light or the soccer ball?
home again home again
look who's on the look out for mama
brian had choir in the evening. first we watched "as you like it" (with laurence olivier of course! - the sound quality of the original is pretty bad, and it's shakespearean english, so felix kept asking if they were speaking in a different language) i read and read and read and read. it's way too light too late out for anybody to want to sleep. did another 10 minutes of work before brian was home from choir.

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