Sunday, June 16, 2019

goalless day (66/365c)

a lady in the whatsapp group for henry's class ALWAYS USES ALL CAPS TO MESSAGE THE GROUP, and today, she organzied a PICNIC!

brian went, and the kids had fun, despite some thunderstorms.
i stayed home, and tried to do more arranging, and some other computer work, and some cleaning work. arranging takes me so long and i am so bad at estimating how long it will take too.

saw ingrid and stefan cz's gospel choir with pauli.... i brought some beer and pistachios in my purse, but we weren't in the mood for them, and there was no intermission. it was so unbelievably hot. it was even hotter on stage under the lights.

instead, pauli rode home with me, and we hung out in the treehouse with my purse until brian finished his run.
i can never stop!

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