Sunday, June 30, 2019

sing together - without me (79/365c)

felix has been waiting for weeks to have his birthday flea market. it was kind of a bust though, there were nearly zero customers, and the ones that came were looking for baby clothes ... but jackie bought some things from felix and he was thrilled!
shop is set up

simple pricing
i was supposed to take pictures of sing together, and i somehow thought i would have time for everything, but i didn't of course, because it conflicted with getting to the dress rehearsal at maria trost. i even called a professional photographer (i have seen him at other events i do, and i know he was also at the ball yesterday) but no luck. friends i knew refused on the basis of not being confident enough to take good photos. and i ended up calling andrea chagrined. she didn't mind though. i would just take photos an hour earlier, and leave the cameras there. did it.

yet another moment i wasn't there for...
another violist was there dropping off her kid and said i could bike with her after taking all the photos. she didn't point out she had an e-bike, so man was i out of breath by the time we got to the car-pool place. like a bad viola joke, the guy driving was like... i thought only one violist was getting a ride, and now there are TWO of you....

kris and i biked back from mariatrost together, and i very willingly had a short dinner with nina and her family, even though i was nearly ready to throw in the towel on the evening.......

......very late in the evening we got rid of some mud dauber nests on one of the beams in our living room. for a few days theodore has been explaining that "sometimes" he hears noises like a "wind-up toy" - turns out the noise was wasps. a very specialized wasp. after we removed them we looked them up and it seems that they may be endangered here. now i feel terrible.

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