Saturday, June 8, 2019

having a ball at the ball (58/365c)

off to our 8:30am soundcheck barely rested after 4 hours of sleep. the ballroom is completely empty. the organizers aren't there, the people working there don't know where any equipment is. it's funny, but we aren't in a humorous mood, when at 11:30 the organizer walks in with a to-go coffee (we would kill for coffee at this point) explains that she is "sooo tired" sits on the stage and starts reading the newspaper. our soundcheck ends up being at nearly 1pm. at 1pm exactly the organizer says "it's time to eat. stop your soundcheck and come with us." but we decline, because really, we have to finish this because there's no way we're coming back. we wander around downtown sarajevo for 2 hours (we were supposed to have several free hours and a walking tour of the city) head back to the hotel, get ready for the ball and go. 

watching and waiting
in an empty ballroom
all dressed up we wait, hungry, for we have been promised dinner. at midnight they tell us we can serve ourselves from the buffet. we dance until 4, keeping the dance-floor rocking for our big band colleagues who disdain to do the same for us. at 4am we start packing up. at 5am the bus takes us back to the hotel, where we make gin and tonics and stay up till 6am which is when the hotel breakfast opens. much fun was had.

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