Tuesday, September 10, 2019

you, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful... (152/365c)

brian had two interviews
i practiced with my morning off
nice walk home with all the kids... next week each of their schedules will be wildly different.
showing their brother the way

we very much like the charlie chaplin shadow and the quote
maria came over with gabriel for a while, and i told her all about not being able to find an eye doctor at the last minute, just to get a signature that said they were ok to be in a show. she tells me a name of a doctor i hadn't called yet... i called, and was told they had JUST had a cancellation, how fast can i get there? in 12 minutes, we were there, by taxi. we then waited 45 minutes to see the doctor. for some reason i find that funny.
but even funnier is the differences between theodore's and henry's reactions to the eye doctor questions...

theodore reads: 5 pointed star, a not quite new moon, a large capital letter B and an elephant. The doctor smiled wryly and asked African or Indian? Theodore said seriously he couldn't tell from the ears.
henry tried to read the first line D A B O V  R as a word, but since he couldn't decide what that word was, other what it might mean, he just didn't say anything at all aloud until i specified he just had to say the letters one at a time. They are all signed up to be a part of steirischer herbst '19

at home, theodore complained that his head itched... yup. he had head lice... and so did all 5 of us. we stayed up till past 11 combing and washing and combing and washing. yuck.

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