Thursday, September 12, 2019

back to our regular schedule(154/365c)

rehearsal with brigitta in the morning, we were so productive. lots of new music to learn in a few weeks.

met up with pauli and michael, first to sing together, and then to have coffee... my favorite moment was when michael needed to up the ante by pretending a huge stuffed animal lobster was a microphone so that he could get more into the moment.
fall ich wie regen
i picked up the great race at the library at the very last possible moment, they locked the door as i walked in, and i said i knew what i wanted, and they were patient but i COULDN'T find it - because they put it in the kids movies. It's not a kid's movie!

we had a nice serious chat with felix about general life things while the others were at singschule.
bribed him to sit still and talk by promising him to let him ride my bicycle when we got done.
he's almost big enough.
felix and i went home ahead, because the older ones stayed for more rehearsal, and when we got back, i found i had no key... next door to ingrid... brian beat me home though. centa and ingrid and i went to metro in the evening for a girls shopping night out. centa bought some alcohol for our upcoming great race party.

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