Saturday, September 7, 2019

last chance for little projects before school begins (149/365c)

shopping early in the morning for oatmeal. kids did checklist while i was out. ate and left.

nina brought us a baguette and centa and nina and felix and i tried to sing "soldier, marry me some day" and we mixed more paints. next up, organize a bob ross party

Felix is preparing his schultüte for monday
the next bob ross?
jackie and andi were having a pretty bad day and so was michi. sometimes i say i'm having not such a good day just so i don't say too many good things to somebody feeling kind of meh.

bought "bookshelves" - the kids were very excited about that and suddenly also about the strickliesl.

started reading the 21 balloons aloud - so far it's just fantastic.

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