Wednesday, September 18, 2019

is this actually allowed? (160/365c)

second lesson in as many days. elke had much to say, and i was there for much longer. we worked on the 3 pieces, op 26 by luise adolpha le beau.

biked kids to and from school, and nadja came. all of us played vivaldi together. we made a mini orchestra for his cello concerto he's been working on for months. after all the practicing, (now theodore has to practice 2 instruments! etc)  we went up schlossberg and picked figs.

Mama, is this actually allowed?
umm, not really
then why are we doing this?
because COLORS
we were actually waiting for brian to come back with theodore and henry because we had found a bookshelf on the side of the road and they brought it home.
they arrive and pose their best for the camera
on the schlossberg we laughed at the english on this informational sign....
i want my money back ... i paid to go to a black hole.
also, it was quite difficult to keep lying with my feets in the footmuff
nina came over, centa came home.

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