Saturday, September 28, 2019

secret codes and ciphers (168/365c)

i thought it would be fun decoding wingdings with theodore - i wrote him a letter, kind of to enterain him and kid of to encourage him to write me back, but he got a bit frustrated. eventually his brothers joined in helping to decode. i was a bit mean, the letter had more T's and O's than E's. .... next time i'll make it more fair.
Henry, Felix, Theodore and Alvin.
Henry has one of his collected tottle bops.
jacky andi drove our kids to ilvy's birthday party in the rain, in a gorgeous nature-lovers paradise, a farm with a dedicated "party" house. felix came home with a stomach ache from eating too much ice cream

i had reherarsal with manfred's with nina and her family. nearly all the pieces we are playind have no viola parts so the two of us playing viola got to play 2nd violin for the schubert mass.

back at home later, i made cake downstairs in the kitchen for the house concert tomorrow while chatting with centa.

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