Thursday, September 5, 2019

really really really no mushrooms (147/365c)

if ingrid cz can't find them nobody can. she took us for a beautiful walk in Hart bei Graz, in a completely forsaken gorgeous woods. We were in a hurry because Theodore and Henry had their first singschule appointment of the school year today.

what if you went looking for fungi and all you got was a perfect walk on a gorgeous day?
she even brought us home with her and fed us dinner, such yummy food, and stefan got to take a break and eat with us. then she even drove us into town because we missed the last possible bus/tram connection.

The first chorus thing was a workshop for other chorus teachers, so felix and i stayed to watch. it was pretty interesting. they did sing warm-ups for the entire hour.

we walked the slow way around and got ice-cream. we got there just as a new girl started for her first time. i think the people behind us thought we were slow, but really she had to be explained how to put in a new thing of ice-cream when one was too low, how to put stamps on the loyalty cards, she had to look up in a little book what was in each flavor of ice-cream and everything. by the time we left the shop the line had spilled way into the street.

we walked them to the next singschuhle appointment and let them get themselves home. we stopped for groceries and made chinese noodles for dinner. i thought it would be a smash hit, but they were so tired from their long hike that they had little enthusiasm for food and i had quite the headache. we watched a movie, Go West, and i fell asleep during it. I guess they must have put themselves to bed.

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