Monday, September 2, 2019

walking in the rain (144/365c)

wonderful breakfast time this morning after lots of snuggles. they were so sweet when they heard i stayed up too late last night. and they were astonished too: "we can have oatmeal AND cake?"
theodore and i wrote letters to grossmutter, and then we went to deliver them, and it started to rain. we found a child-size desk and carried it almost all the way home, and then had the brilliant idea to wheel it home which made the last 50ft of the journey quite easy. i wish i had a photo of that. i don't know what to do with the desk though - we have too much stuff, and no walls.

we got books out of the library and went shopping for ingredients to make an "omama" dinner (because for some nostalgic reason i really wanted to make cucumber sauce with potatoes a la omama. - i swore i had written down how she made it, but when i looked through my old journal from 2007 and 2008 i couldn't find it. though it made me even more nostalgic)

felix discovers multiplicities of himself in the mirror at bedtime
(way after bedtime, i read stories till 10:15pm)
(we really need to start adjusting before school begins in a week

i went to the scherbe and celebrated jackies birthday while the kids were at the playground running around in the rain. they were so happy they didn't want to leave. i biked home with a case of wine on the back of my bike, and in the case were hidden some stickers that are a present for felix. he promptly opened the case when we got home, and asked me if i knew there were some stickers there. i told them they weren't for him. won't he be surprised next monday?

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